Monday, February 4, 2008

With joy, also comes sorrow

So, this next post was earmarked to be how my fiancé and I met. Well, my stream of consciousness's wasn't having that. Instead, as I was thinking happy thoughts while envisioning my family celebrating with my fiancé and I, I remembered all the people who will be missing it. And so the sorrow kicked in... and that's where I am. Many of my loved ones have passed away. All of my grandparents, my Aunt, and my great Aunt have left this place. I am not over it - not even close. Yeah, I don't handle death too well. I reminisce too much about people, places and things especially related to my family. So, I think of these people often and fondly, and miss them terribly.

How will I honor these wonderful people that have so seriously supported and fostered my development, without losing it on my wedding day? I don't think I have made it through any of my friends' ceremonies, especially where the officiant mentions "people that are no longer with us" without getting misty. I have no idea - I am such a crier! I know my parents won't be much better either.

To be honest, I would rather do away with that line in the ceremony. I don't want to be reminded that they aren't there because I want to be happy - happy for the people we still have with us.

Alternatively, I would like to display framed pictures of my grandparents and great aunt's wedding portraits. Hopefully, I can also get my my hands on a picture of my recently departed Aunt. This, I think I can handle.

Regardless of how we manage this, I am thankful for waterproof mascara. Death sucks!

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