Thursday, April 9, 2009

We have very generous family and friends

Ralph and I came home to lots of gifts that we had such a great time opening. It was like Christmas all over again.

All the packaging, though, it is alot. I actually kept all the tissue paper. And those falling over EMPTY boxes... they once had our everyday china in them, which I love and Ralph doesn't hate by the way. I already gave away some of these very sturdy boxes to some brides to use as their cardboxes. So we are trying to reduce waste where we can and help some brides out along the way.

Ralph ever so conveniently left for 3 weeks and so I am putting away all our new stuff by my lonesome. So far, I have to tell you, having a programmable coffee pot and a blender ROCK!

Last Friday, M-Lee got that aforementioned blender going and made some kicking pina coladas. Afterwards, we went to a great dance party at our yoga studio. The party called for costumes and so we obliged:

Ok, back to gifts... not everything is so completely new to us so we do have some older stuff that we can now retire. The good news is that we have several needy friends that could use our stuff. Whatever they don't need, we are donating to our local Labrador Retriever Rescue group's yard sale. I am glad that our stuff, largely from my first apartment (12 year old towels!) and family leftovers, will be benefiting others.
Just the begining of our retirement pile

We are very grateful for everything and everyone.

1 comment:

The Lorpols said...

I think that you should pick up Ralph from the airport in that get up ... lol. I laugh just thinking about it .....